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目前分類:生活的點滴 (48)

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呵呵~一個多星期沒有寫blog了。上個星期去露營﹐露營回來之後又要收拾東西﹐我24號回馬來西亞了﹗我回家了﹗不過一方面我捨不得這邊的朋友。在這裡足足四年了﹐跟朋友也建立了很好的感情﹐相處了短短的時間﹐又要分開﹐真的很捨不得﹗ =( 不過人生就是這樣﹐離離合合是一定有的﹐不過要相信我們將來一定有見面的一天﹗另一方面自己也很期待回去﹐跟朋友會面﹐跟親戚團聚。

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  • Apr 06 Mon 2009 01:16
  • 風浪


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marilynliew 發表在 痞客邦 留言(0) 人氣()

I just created a new blog, haha... I am new, I still don't know how to use it better. I think it's a cool website, I want to try something new. I am still gropping and fumbling around, haha... try this and that. If anyone of you knows how to use this, may you tell me or teach me how to use it! =X So now I am posting my first blog, to get started! Hope to share every good things with everybody, happiness or sadness. =)

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